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International Journal of Management in Education

International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE)

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International Journal of Management in Education (10 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Do school leaders lead? The perception of educational actors concerning the school transformation   Order a copy of this article
    by Lídia Serra, José Alves, Diana Soares 
    Abstract: In an era that values school autonomy, we know little about how school actors interact to improve teaching practices and organisational performance. This paper presents the perceptions of Portuguese school leaders, teachers, and members of the self-evaluation teams regarding collective engagement in producing classroom transformation. The transformational capital initiative is a construct that measures the openness and will for mobilising changes. Multiple linear regression analysis used data from a survey to determine relationships between transformational capital initiative, school vision, decisional capital, mobilising and learning-supportive leadership, teachers' collaboration, innovative behaviour, and involvement and innovation climate. The findings include (i) differences in the perceptions regarding leadership among school actors and (ii) weak to moderate effects of leadership, teachers' collaboration, and innovative behaviour in promoting classroom transformation. The results suggest that schools are loose coupling systems where classroom transformation is a product more of teachers' individual will than of collective organisational planning.
    Keywords: transformational capital; leadership; innovation; collaborative practices; spontaneous order; loosely coupled system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10063555
  • ChatGPT's challenges and opportunities in higher education: a technology-user(s)-environment (TUE) lens   Order a copy of this article
    by Gamal S.A. Khalifa, Abdallah M. Elshaer, Safaa A. M. El-Aidie, Angelina Seow Voon Yee, Ayda Farhan, Elhachemi Abdelkader Hacine Gherbi 
    Abstract: This qualitative study investigates the adoption of ChatGPT technology in higher education within the tourism and hospitality sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Using purposive sampling and constructivist research theory, 27 participants (students, instructors, and administrators) actively using ChatGPT were interviewed. Data analysis was conducted using NVivo software, employing a theme analysis technique. Contrary to expectations, environmental factors like culture and ethical considerations significantly influence ChatGPT usage, despite institutional readiness. Some participants express concerns about potential negative effects on human interaction and critical thinking skills. The study underscores the importance of adequate training and support for responsible technology use in higher education, alongside the impact of social and cultural contexts on attitudes toward technology adoption.
    Keywords: ChatGPT; Higher education; Technology adoption; TUE.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10063603
  • The relationship between learning-centred leadership and professional learning community: evidence from Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Mei Kin Tai, Abdull Kareem Omar 
    Abstract: The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between learning-centred leadership (LCL) and professional learning community (PLC) in Malaysian secondary schools. By employing disproportionate stratified sampling, a total of 811 schoolteachers completed the survey. The results revealed that, i) the relationship between LCL and PLC is significant and positive; ii) the correlation between LCL and PLC is strong whereby LCL contributed 54.8% the total variation of PLC; iii) Builds a Learning Vision, Provides Learning Support, Manages the Learning Programme, and Modelling are predictors of LCL; and iv) Manages the Learning Programme contributed the most to PLC, followed by Modelling, Builds a Learning Vision, and Provides Learning Support. The study uncovers the fact that LCL is a good predictor of PLC. It offers local and international practitioners another dimension about educational leadership that LCL is an effective leadership style that can gauge improvement in enhancing teacher and student learning.
    Keywords: learning-centred leadership; professional learning community; builds a learning vision; provides learning support; manages the learning program; modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10063739
  • The examination of studies regarding quality in higher education: A bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Merve Acer, Gökhan Kiliçoglu 
    Abstract: This study aims to examine 2094 Scopus-indexed articles on "quality in higher education" using bibliometric analysis and science mapping. It sheds light on the current state and trends in this field and offers solutions based on identified needs through science mapping. VOSviewer, a bibliometric analysis and mapping software, served as the foundation, while analytical tools in Scopus and Microsoft Excel were used as supplements. The study identified authors and studies with the highest Scopus citations, highlighted the most successful journal ("Quality Assurance in Education"), and identified the top countries (United Kingdom, USA, Australia). Social sciences and educational sciences departments were found to publish the most in this field. Key sub-topics include measurement scales for quality, Total Quality Management (TQM), student satisfaction as "customers," distance education, and sustainability issues. The study concludes with discussions on the results and suggestions for future research on quality in higher education.
    Keywords: quality studies; the quality in higher education; higher education; universities; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10063758
  • Determinants of students’ intention of choice to study at higher education institutions of Malaysia in the Covid-19 era   Order a copy of this article
    by Joshua Teck Khun Loo, Christine Li Ping Leong, Mei Ling Siew, Sima Ahmadpour 
    Abstract: A market-sensitive educational system is evolving in Malaysia due to the fact that the country is experiencing an increase in competition from both local and international universities. Competitive pressure has forced higher educational institutions to look for more competitive marketing strategies in order to compete for students in their respective markets. Recently, higher education institution marketers in the northern region of Malaysia have been confronted lately with the decrease in the number of students due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Movement Control Order implemented by the government, and thus studying and knowing the factors that influence the students decision-making process represents a useful source of information for institutions management. The objective of this study is to investigate the determinants influencing students intention when choosing a university during the selection process. The data was obtained via a questionnaire and applied to sample of participants comprising the 350 prospective students who are planning to pursue higher education in the northern region of Malaysia. The Partial Least Squares of Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) approach was deployed to validate and examine the research theoretical framework and conduct the hypothesis testing. The key findings from the study reveal that institutional characteristics, institutional communication, institutional fit and family influence are positively impacted students intention of choice to study in higher education institutions in the northern region of Malaysia, accepting the peer influence.
    Keywords: Intention of Student’s Choice; College choice decision; Institutional Characteristics; Institutional Communication; Institutional Fit; Family Influence; Peer Influence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10063760
  • Kindergarten teachers' perceptions of the factors that negatively impact their professional competence in administrative work   Order a copy of this article
    by Vasiliki Brinia, Konstantina Antonopoulou, Alexandros Dimos, Maria Moutrika 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the points of view of the heads of low-stakes Greek public kindergartens, regarding the factors that frustrate them in their position of responsibility and what their suggestions are for improving their job satisfaction. The qualitative, phenomenological research based on thematic axes was chosen as the appropriate research approach, while purposive sampling, semi-structured interviews with a guide of pre-constructed, open-ended questions and thematic analysis were chosen as methodological tools. The sample consisted of twelve kindergarten principals while the data were collected in February and March 2022. The results of the research show that supervisors perceive job satisfaction with emotional type definitions. The innovation of the research lies in the fact that a first attempt was made to investigate, qualitatively, internal and external factors that negatively affect the professional satisfaction of the heads of small kindergartens in an island region during the pandemic.
    Keywords: preschool leadership; job dissatisfaction; Greek kindergarten; administration; effectiveness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10062630
  • Analysing the unemployment rate among women graduates in India: a dynamic panel approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Sanghita Ghosh, Amit Kundu 
    Abstract: The unemployment problem among graduate women in India is challenging and fluctuating in different states. With this background, this paper has identified the determinants of the unemployment rate among graduate women in India. It has also identified a few policy prescriptions to tackle that problem. The period is between 2013-2014 and 2019-2020 and 20 major states of India are considered for this investigation. Using the Blundell and Bond Dynamic Panel Regression technique it is observed that factors like higher gross enrolment ratio among women in higher education in general and higher percentage of females at the age of marriage between the age group of 18 and 20 years are responsible for the state-wise higher unemployment rate among graduate women. However, expanding the service sector by creating more employment opportunities for females with technical and professional degrees and an effective marriage age of 21 years and above can reduce the unemployment problem among at least graduated women in India. The study can help policymakers to reduce the unemployment problem among at least graduated women in India.
    Keywords: gross enrolment ratio of women graduates; the unemployment rate; graduate women; states; dynamic panel data regression; expansion of the service sector.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10062116
  • From theory to practice: attitude and technology awareness' effects on parents' intention towards preschool selection   Order a copy of this article
    by Vartika Bisht, Priya Vij 
    Abstract: Social media has become integral in daily life, with studies traditionally focusing on parental involvement in a child's early years. However, few have explored how parents use social media for preschool selection. This research examines the mediating role of attitude and the moderating impact of technology awareness on the behavioural intentions of educated parents when choosing preschools. Integrating the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) with the Hedonic Motivation System Adoption Model (HMSAM), the study utilises Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) on data from 688 educated parents. Findings indicate that attitude partially mediates performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, curiosity and joy with behavioural intention, while technology awareness moderates paths of social influence and joy. This research offers insights for preschools to comprehend parental behaviour and develop strategies to attract them. Limited to Punjab, the study emphasises preschool selection and provides a nuanced overview of parental behavioural intentions.
    Keywords: behavioural intention; mediator; moderator; PLS-SEM; preschools.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10062115
  • University as a brand: lessons from Vietnam's higher education branding   Order a copy of this article
    by Tuong-Minh Ly-Le, Viet Hoa Dang Thi, Mai Hoang Nguyen, Nhung Dinh-Hong, Thao Nguyen, Yen-Nhi Nguyen 
    Abstract: This research explores the landscape of higher education branding in Vietnam, investigating communication strategies and challenges faced by 30 universities. The study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of higher education branding in Vietnam and its implications. By conducting interviews with representatives from various Vietnamese universities, the study uncovers that while some institutions have developed comprehensive brand communication plans, others struggle with fragmented approaches and a lack of a unified vision, often focusing on direct marketing for student recruitment. Resource constraints, particularly limited budgets, pose a significant hurdle, hindering comprehensive campaigns and skilled personnel recruitment. The findings emphasise the need for innovative resource allocation and a shared leadership vision. For universities and researchers, this study provides valuable insights into higher education branding dynamics, encouraging a collaborative effort to navigate complexities and contribute to the discourse on effective university branding.
    Keywords: university branding; higher education marketing; brand communication; branding challenges; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10062338
  • Compatibility of distributive leadership, teacher autonomy and school effectiveness in Nigeria   Order a copy of this article
    by Karima Bashir, Gazi Mahabubul Alam 
    Abstract: Distributive leadership has been linked with teacher autonomy, school effectiveness and decentralisation. This study aims to explore the compatibility of distributive leadership with teacher autonomy and school effectiveness in northwest Nigeria. The paper employs a quantitative method, using a descriptive survey and adopting western designed instruments to make its argument. The selected sample includes 314 federal secondary school principals. The findings revealed that teachers vary in their perception regarding the application of distributive leadership and their autonomy and distributive leadership has a positive direct effect on school effectiveness (β = 0.645, P<0.001), while teacher autonomy has no direct effect on school effectiveness (β = 0.031, P = 0.678). These findings highlight that distributive leadership alone does not rectify school ineffectiveness. This paper responds to the call for more literature from a non-western perspective, providing insights on the paradox of distributive leadership, teacher autonomy and school effectiveness in a decentralised context in Nigeria.
    Keywords: distributive leadership; teacher autonomy; decentralisation; context; school effectiveness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.10062559